Welcome to Dunbar Homes

Residential Aged Care Services

Posted on Thursday 3 October 2024

Changes to Aged Care

In the past 6 years, there have been many changes to the Aged Care Sector, from new quality standards, to a Royal Commission, to a new Aged Care act coming in 2025, along with strengthed quality standards, the myriad of constant changes has been challenging for many providers.

For many years now, the number of small providers has continually declined, with many undertaling mergers with larger organisaitons, or in many cases, simnply ceasing to exist.

This is quite sad, as the Royal COmmission stated the "small home" model was the best chance of success, and we at Dunbar already knew that having everyone on the same site, interacting with each other day after day would give us far more knowledge of our residents, their likes, dislikes and needs, that an organisation run from a far away head office.

Dunbar Homes though is still committed to remaining independent, and to this end the Board, Management and each member of our staff and volunteer teams do their best each day to honour this commitment. 

The message to all is: strap in and hang on, it is quite a ride!

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